List of health insurance companies for Student Visa/Schengen Visa( Germany )
List of health insurance companies in Pakistan
The following insurance companies offer travel health insurance valid for the Schengen states covering a minimum amount of 30,000 Euros for medical treatment and home repatriation in case of illness or death.Please ensure that your insurance policy explicitly covers all Schengen States (not only Germany).
Senior Pakistani citizens (over 75) cannot be insured by the above mentioned insurances. However, they can obtain a travel health insurance e.g. through their relatives, friends or business partners in Germany offered by various German insurance companies.
Name Tel. No. / websites ACE Karachi(coverage for persons between 21 to 65 ) 0800 – 54321 (Toll Free)021 – 111 789 789 Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd.(coverage for persons until 85. Persons
between 65 and 85 will be charged 100%
extra premium)021 – 3241 2623 / 3241 4162
021 – 3241 5335internet:www.adamjeeinsurance.comAskari General Insurance Co. Ltd –Askari TravelCoverage for persons until 85. Persons 66 – 75: 50%
Persons 76 – 80: 75 %
Persons: 81 – 85: 100 % extra premium.
051 – 227 9565 / 227 0471-3internet: Atlas Insurance 021 – 3536 042 – 3732 0542-3
042 – 3732 2271 & 73
CENTURY Insurance Co. Ltd. (CICL)Coverage for persons until 85.Persons 66 – 75: 50% Persons 76 – 80: 75 %
Persons: 81 – 85: 100 % extra premium.
051 – 287 6211, 227 4582,051 – 227 4583 Chartis – New Hampshire Insurance Company(previously known as AIG; no coverage for childrenunder 6 months and for adults over 85) 111 111 244 & 365051 – 227 6709 EAGLET Services International (Pvt) Ltd(coverage for persons until 74) 051 – 265 0232 – 33051 – 265 1231 – 33 EFU General Karachi 021 – 3231 3471 – Hanse Merkur Reiseversicherung 051 – 265 0232/ 33 & 265 1231 -33,mobile: 0300 – 834 55 555 IGI International General Insurance(coverage for persons up to 75) 051 – 111 308 308051 – 227 7355 & 227 3840 New Jubilee Insurance (NJI) 051 – 227 0365-7, 280 1059-60,051 – 227 0275-6internet: PAK Qatar General Takaful (PQGTL)(coverage for persons between 18 to 60) 021 – 3438 0357 – 61internet: PICIC Insurance Ltd.Coverage for persons until 85.Persons 66 – 75: 50% Persons 76 – 80: 75 %
Persons: 81 – 85: 100 % extra premium.
051 – 287 0613 -14 Premier Insurance Limited Karachi(coverage for persons until 75. Personsbetween 66 and 75 will be charged 75% extra premium)
021 – 3241 6331 – 4internet: Takaful Pakistan Ltd. Karachi(coverage for persons up to 85) 021 – 111 875 111internet: The Universal Insurance Co. Ltd.(coverage for persons up to 75) 051 – 227 7555, 227 7556 TPL Direct Insurance Ltd. Karachi(coverage for persons until 85. Personsbetween 65 and 85 will be charged 100% extra premium)
021 – 3432 2555mobile. 0300 822 3106internet: UIC United Insurance Co. Ltd.(coverage for persons up to 70) 051 – 280 2446 – 8
how much need to pay for 90 days insurance
Hi, I live in Dubai, and the consulate here wants to me get an insurance for a period of 6 months. I am thinking of going with DAK Gesundheit (suggested by Fintiba), but I wanted to ask if someone has tried them. How are they as an insurance provider? I have heard Mawista is not that good. AOK and TK are better for public but I was kinda hoping to finish everything with Fintiba itself so need information on this one too.