The cheapest cities in Germany

The cheapest cities in Germany

Chemnitz is the city with the lowest rents. Following suit on ranks two and three are Dresden and Jena – two more East German cities. This is one of the results of the 19. social survey of the German student union.

Chemnitz Innenstadt, Foto: Graff/DAADA student in Chemnitz has to pay approximately 210 Euros for rent and running costs. Very striking: Among the Top 10 of the cheapest cities in Germany, eight of them are in East Germany – except for Oldenburg and Bamberg.

In contrast to that the biggest cities are with Berlin as the only exeption – the most expensive ones. Up front is Munich, where you have to pay a whopping 138 Euros more every month for a room of approx. the same size as in Chemnitz. Almost the same amount as in the Bavarian capital is charged in Cologne, Hamburg and Frankfurt/Main.


Overview of alle 54 cities evaluated:

RanK Destination* Costs for rent incl. running costs Rank Destination Costs for rent incl. running costs
1 Chemnitz 210 28 Marburg 279
2 Dresden 223 29 Augsburg 280
3 Jena 233 30 Kiel 280
4 Magdeburg 236 31 Mannheim 281
5 Leipzig 236 32 Münster 281
6 Oldenburg 242 33 Saarbrücken 282
7 Halle (Saale) 243 34 Hannover 285
8 Erfurt 249 35 Tübingen 288
9 Bamberg 250 36 Lüneburg 288
10 Greifswald 252 37 Duisburg 289
11 Passau 254 38 Aachen 293
12 Bochum 258 39 Freiburg 294
13 Osnabrück 259 40 Wuppertal 297
14 Paderborn 259 41 Bonn 298
15 Kassel 260 42 Ulm 298
16 Göttingen 261 43 Berlin 298
17 Gießen 266 44 Bremen 300
18 Bielefeld 267 45 Heidelberg 301
19 Würzburg 268 46 Konstanz 305
20 Erlangen-Nürnberg 272 47 Stuttgart 306
21 Braunschweig 273 48 Mainz 308
22 Dortmund 274 49 Darmstadt 321
23 Potsdam 274 50 Frankfurt/Main 328
24 Regensburg 275 51 Düsseldorf 330
25 Karlsruhe 276 52 Köln 333
26 Trier 278 53 Hamburg 345
27 Rostock 279 54 München 348

* Only those destinations were considered, which were based on data of at least 50 students.



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  • nice list, please am currently studying building technology in nigeria, will br through soon, and am also preparing to do my masters in germany, but i found it hard to get a school that will offer me building tech, courses or related course then in a city with cheap apartment rent.

  • Hajjaji Mohamed

    Iwant to learn pleas

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