How to undo a sent email?

Did you ever regret for pressing “send” on e-mails? Did you imagine a feature to get back an email before it gets sent out? Sometimes we realize, too late, that our message is a “reply all” when it shouldn’t be. Or that we spelled something wrong. Or that we were angry and shouldn’t have sent it at all.
Then this feature Undo Send is for you. Undo Send lets you snatch an e-mail back before it gets sent out. But you have to act fast. This feature available with Gmail from Google labs.
First, you have to login Gmail account, click on setting, then select labs. Then Enable ‘Undo Send’ feature.
Click on save changes button and come back to gmail window. Now when you send email,
When you click on send button you can see a line top of the window.
You can see Undo option for almost 5 seconds. If you need to cancel the email, you have to act within 5 seconds. After 5 seconds this Undo will disappear from the window.
Dear Admin, Hopefully you are fine and find these comments in good health.
Luckily, I visited your response page and it motivated me to ask few questions about my German study visa,
I am Research Associate in COMSATS university, and I appeared in interview for study visa on 12th March, 14 it got rejected to 7th April, 14 with comments that study intention is doubted, my case was strong so I applied for appeal against refusal on 14th April, 14, I received acknowledgment by German embassy that my appeal would be considered from 14th April 14, now there are few quries:
1) Despite of various email to Embassy and telephonic calls, I did not receive any update after that email of German embassy till date (98 days have passed)
2) My case is strong as I am Reserch Associate(Faculty based job) and my previous education is also relating to that and my study plan which was discussed by my coordinator in Germany university is also appreciated by the coordinator(Proof attached with appeal but was not attached with visa application)
3)More than 6 months, 8050euros amount is blocked
4)I again applied for admission letter which would I receive hopefully in next week
5) My Query is, Germany embassy is not responding me despite of several email by me & by my lawyer
What you guide me, your good & experienced guideline is required