International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course – Six PhD Scholarships – Germany

International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) is offering up to six doctoral fellowships for a period of 2 years, with 1 year extension possible. The advertised fellowships will all be located at the three collaborating institutions in Berlin, Germany. Depending on participants’ schedules, the Research School will commence in April or October 2015. For the Berlin participants, the doctoral degree will be granted by the University of Humboldt Berlin or the Free University Berlin. Students admitted to LIFE will receive a monthly scholarship of 1,365.00 EUR to cover their living expenses. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2014.
Study Subject(s): Fellowships are available in one of the relevant disciplines: biology, computer science, economics, educational science, neuroscience, psychology, sociology.
Course Level: Fellowships are awarded to pursue a doctoral programme at International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (An international collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, the Free University Berlin, the University of Humboldt Berlin, the University of Michigan, the University of Virginia and the University of Zurich. For the Berlin participants, the doctoral degree will be granted by the University of Humboldt Berlin or the Free University Berlin).
Scholarship Provider: International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
Eligibility: Applicants should hold, or anticipate receiving very soon as shown in supporting documents, a master’s degree, diploma or equivalent in one of the relevant fields. The Research School welcomes participation by women, and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or disability.
Scholarship Open for International Students: German and International students can apply for these doctoral fellowships.
Scholarship Description: The advertised fellowships will all be located at the three collaborating institutions in Berlin, Germany. Depending on participants’ schedules, the Research School will commence in April or October 2015. Working language is English. For the Berlin participants, the doctoral degree shall be granted by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or the Freie Universität Berlin. Students admitted to LIFE will receive a monthly stipend of ca. 1,365 EUR.
Number of award(s): There are 6 Doctoral Fellowships available for students.
Duration of award(s): Fellowships are awarded for 2 years, with 1 year extension possible.
What does it cover? Students admitted to LIFE will receive a monthly scholarship of 1,365.00 EUR to cover their living expenses. The stipend is tax-free. Students with dependent children accompanying them will receive 400 EUR for the first dependent child per month, and 100 EUR for each additional child.
Selection Criteria: Not Known
Notification: Decisions about admissions are scheduled for February/March 2015.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is November 30, 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application