SCHOLARSHIPS AND PHD POSITIONS – Graduate academy of TU Dresden , Germany



Source of funding Target group Extent of funding Application deadline
International Max Planck Research School for Dynamical Processes in Atoms, Molecules and Solids talented students holding a master degree or a German diploma in physics, chemistry, mathematics or computer science scholarships (1365 EUR/month) or part-time employment contracts as research associate (50 – 65%, TV-L E13) October 30, 2013 for the spring term 2014
International Max Planck Research School for Cell Developmental and Systems Biology university graduates with an excellent degree in life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, computer science, physics or applied mathematics scholarships (1365 EUR plus 103 EUR/month) or part-time employment contracts as research associates (50 – 65%, TV-L E13) November 17, 2013; registration deadline
November 27, 2013 application deadline for the spring term 2014
Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) excellent university graduates with a degree in life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, computer science, physics or applied mathematics scholarships (1365 EUR plus 103 EUR/month) or a part-time employment contract as research associate (50 – 65%, TV-L E13) November 17, 2013; registration deadline
November 27, 2013 application deadline for the spring term 2014
RISE – Research Internship – DAAD Get your own research assistant!Doctoral candidates in physics, chemistry, biology, life sciences, earth sciences and engineering can apply for a research assistant at DAAD Bachelor students from North America and Great Britain assist doctoral candidates during a 8-12 weeks summer internship in Germany November 30, 2013; application deadline  May 15, 2014 – earliest start of the internship in Germany
Project funding, module “own post” included – Fritz-Thyssen Foundation postdocs in history, linguistics, cultural studies, law, business studies, social sciences, medicine and natural sciences February 14th, 2014
International Climate Protection Fellowships – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research stipends for graduates from non-European transition and developing countries dealing with issues related to the scientific, engineering, legal, economic or social aspects of climate change scholarships up to 12 months (between 2,150 EUR – 2,750 EUR per month/based on qualification) March 15, 2014; application deadline          March 1st, 2015 – start of funding

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