German Student Visa Rejection

I see students saying that German embassy has gone messy and they are rejecting so many applications. Consider this scenario (Example) Till last year , embassy was giving about 50 visa’s for winter semester and the number of applicants were about 70. It means that only 20 cases got rejected in winter semester. Since this group had not many students last year , not many people shared their actually accept/reject ratio here. Other European countries have implemented fee’s while germany has kept the fee’s the same or have removed it completely. An international student has to pay the same money as a local student pays in the university for education. Here they say. “Education is free for all, no matter where they come from”. All the load from Finland/Sweden where most of the Pakistani students were going , had shifted to germany. So if for the same 50 visa’s there are 500 applicants, You can easily think of the ratio of acceptance and rejection. In issuing the student visa , Only the embassy is not involved but the local authorities and states are involved too. They check for their requirements , how many people can be accommodated/transport facilities etc. and so on. I remember last year , when there were so many new students coming. Accommodation was a real problem , keep international students aside , many local students had to sleep in churches for about two weeks because they just couldn’t find any room to live. The average cost of living per Sqm had increased from 200 avg to 290 euro avg (Darmstadt). Furthermore , the students are not only coming from pakistan , but from india etc too. Than there are the local students and than there are these Huge number of Erasmus exchange students. I see some students are commenting that visa refusal is due to Nato problem etc , some debate that its due to the illegal immigrants. My friend from Bangladesh tells me that from last three months , German embassy in dhaka has not issued even a interview date to the applicants , keep the issuance of visa aside. As the number of applicants increase , the processing time would def. increase with it. Even when you come to germany , the Electronic Residence permit take about 4-7 weeks to arrive.

Now we cannot do anything about how long will they take to process the visa? what we can do from our side is that to apply to the university at the earlier. Say you want to join in September. You must send your application at the end of december or in january. You will get admission letter by post in feb or say in march. You can open bank account and apply for visa in april and you will have enough time even if they take months to process it. I would also like to say that offcourse its very annoying that if everything is complete and still the visa is rejected , it makes no sense. But than again , its their home , its upto them who they let in and who they dont. The only choice we have is that can appeal against it. Using bad language here for them or the people who are already in germany legal/illegal is not going to help anyone. Raising such issues on this forum is beyond the scope of this group. I and many others like me had joined this forum to help students about study and general life questions which you may have for studying in germany. During my application and the rest of others already in germany , we had no such help from other people , no guidance. Last but not the least , i wish everyone get the visa and they come to germany for study but if they dont , we are muslims and i believe that Allah has choosen the best for us and Germany is not the end of the world!.


  • Adorn Philip Murickan

    My name is Adorn
    Am from kerala .I applied for a students visa for bachelors at bangalore consulate and then it got rejected.There was some issue with the fund.Eventhough I have deposited 8500 euros in my loca local account it wasn’t blocked.
    This happened in 27-11-2013.
    And later again on 12th of feb.2014 after shifting my admission in language school to March I attended the visa interview for a second time.
    I have an A1 certificate.
    It has been 8 weeks after my interview.Still no news from the consulate.
    Should I just wait and expect the visa or ….
    Could somebody help me to know about it????
    Is there a possibility to get visa at a second chance.
    Please give me a reply

    • Only funds are not important for the visa. There are many factors. For bachelors they mostly ask for german at level B1 , i think you have to wait and sadly rhere is no other way. You might want to contact the local auslanderbehorde in the town your college is in and ask about it , but no guranteee’s

      • Adorn Philip Murickan

        Hi admi.
        Actually the thing is that am supposedsupposed to do a language course upto level C2 when i reach in Germany.So I was informed that A1 was more than enough.
        Hen i contacted with the consulate two days before they tod me that they are waiting for the visa approval fron germany.
        What do that mean.

        • Visa isnt approved by Embassy or consulate. They send documents back to germany where many authorities check and if they approve it , consulate give you visa other wise not.
          If they say A1 is enough , then it shoulndt be a problem.

  • Adorn Philip Murickan

    Hi admin.
    Actuall I am supposed to do a language course to level C2.So I was informed that A1 was more than enough .And a friend of mine who atented the interview with A1 certificate got the visa.
    The last day i contacted the consulate and they told me that they r waiting for the visa approval from Germany.
    What do that mean???

  • Muhammad Nawaz

    admin please reply y questions

  • rameez

    admin please tell me the procedure of closing the student bank account from germany and how money will transfer please tell me the procedure. i am from pakistan lahore. my visa is rejected after 2 months waiting its very rediculus german embassy.. please tell me as soon as posible

    • Send Fax/Post to the Deutsche Bank in Germany , with a note from the Embasssy that your visa is rejected and you should be given the money back.
      Also provide A bank account in pakistan with all details such as swift code etc where the money needs to be transferred.

  • ketan

    hi admin,

    i have submitted my file on 20 march 2014,(mumbai consulate), with SRH university Heidelberg, my course is applied computer science, i called today to the consulate regarding status of my student visa, he told me that you will receive a letter from german embassy within 15 may,….is it a rejection…
    i dont know why they rejected,. i have 10 backlogs during bachelor’s. is it the reason….i have given a good interview there and cleared my intension there that i will come back after studies to india, so please tell me whether low marks in BE and backlogs are the culprit.

    • There can be numerous reasons. The Forgein office may have rejected it. The state didnt see your profile fitting for their future needs , or you had some problem with you interview / documents. Ask embassy for the reasons.

      but let the letter come first. see what they think

      • ketan

        they gave reason= doubt on seriousness of study intension,
        now i have visa interview on 30 june can you tell me what is the matter. why they gave rejection.

        • hello ketan ,

          i think the visa interview was not so well? try to explain to the visa officer why you really need this course and what would be the benefits of you studying in germany for you personally , for your country and also perhaps for germany too..

          Good luck

          • ketan

            hi admin,

            this time interview as good but again i got rejection with the reason that” concerns are being raised on your study intention” which is same as i got earlier. can you please tell me how can i prove that i have a clear study intention and i will come back after my studies. is their any document which can proof about my returning back to india. like a affidavit ,can i submit that at consulate.

  • Nazmul

    I got my VISA for Master’s degree at Uni Magdeburg…..At another university I have got admission on Bachelor degree too ….I prefer to study on Bachelor than Master’s degree because I am eager to change my field of study…. Is it possible to change the VISA status from Master’s to Bachelor after going to Germany….? Please help me…….

    • Hi ,

      We never had such case. But i think you can , But come to germany first and then try to ask about it.


      • Shreesha


        Am married and having a baby(2yrs). Currently am pursuing 2nd year in PCMB or Bi.P.C. Am looking forward for my MBBS course in Germany. I wanted to apply student visa and also can i carry my child along with me. So she can stay along with me.

        Please help me out with your positive response.


  • Raja Waseem

    Dear admin pls throw some lite on this one. in case if company is moved or is closed,(its nt good dat u remove things from ur cv b.c they match ur cv with the one u sent to university , if they find any change they reject visa n also admission letter.said by many ppl.) i dunn know how true is this thing ,,are the consulate or embassy ask the univ to handover the cv of candidate to cross match , one is feard from if removes its problem , nt removed then its a problem wht shud be done then . dear in my case it was my mistake dat i sent all three experience letters to the univ dat i have applied in good faith .. but now i have come to know one company is been moved or closed. i phone them but no response wht if they go there n finds no one they straight away will reject visa for fake work experience. wht shud i do in the first place? remove tht exp from cv given to embassy submit the same cv as submitted to univ? reply pls . i m from karachi and these days it come to notice about embassy/consulate are doing strict verification for that they make personal visit to candidate house and offices where he worked checking attendance records, asking about candidate in the neighborhood. n they r charging 30k extra for this.

    • Hello Mr Waseem,

      1) Was your certificate genuine?

      2) Your university CANNOT share your data with anyone else, ALL embassy/German Govt. can do is to verify your admission with the university

      3) If your certificate was genuine and should your visa get rejected , You should appeal against the decision , make sure you have documents / contacts from the past job to verify that you had been working there and now the company is closed.

      Best Regards

      • Raja Waseem

        yeah its geniune , i jst dun want wastage of time dat ill take in appealing , any ways , thank you.

        • Dear R. Waseem ,

          I think there is nothing much you can do until they give you a reply about your visa application. Just hope for the best.


  • Muhammad Ismail

    Dear sir
    i have applied for study at ULM university Germany and i have received admission letter from ULM university.i have to appear there for selection interweave on 15 juli 2014,but i am facing terrible problem in visa appointment from Germany embassy Islamabad because there is no appointment date available before 9 September 2014 and it is too late,so because of that i well miss admission and it is a great loss for me.
    so please help me if there is any possible solution

    • Salman

      Hey Ismail,

      Sometimes the course co-oridinator can help you. Send them a request and ask if they can help you with an appointment at the german embassy. Also keep chicking the website for appointments. sometimes new ones come out..

  • Muhammad Ilyas

    Dear Admin, Hopefully you are fine and find these comments in good health.
    Luckily, I visited your response page and it motivated me to ask few questions about my German study visa,
    I am Research Associate in COMSATS university, and I appeared in interview for study visa on 12th March, 14 it got rejected to 7th April, 14 with comments that study intention is doubted, my case was strong so I applied for appeal against refusal on 14th April, 14, I received acknowledgment by German embassy that my appeal would be considered from 14th April 14, now there are few quries:
    1) Despite of various email to Embassy and telephonic calls, I did not receive any update after that email of German embassy till date (98 days have passed)
    2) My case is strong as I am Reserch Associate(Faculty based job) and my previous education is also relating to that and my study plan which was discussed by my coordinator in Germany university is also appreciated by the coordinator(Proof attached with appeal but was not attached with visa application)
    3)More than 6 months, 8050euros amount is blocked
    4)I again applied for admission letter which would I receive hopefully in next week
    5) My Query is, Germany embassy is not responding me despite of several email by me & by my lawyer

    What you guide me, your good & experienced guideline is required

    • Dear Mr Ilyas,

      Sorry to hear about your visa rejection. There are somethings which needs to be noted. I dont think there is a link with you being research assistant and the german visa , because your education has not much to do with why the German embassy should grant you a visa. It depends on many other factors , like which state your uni is in , how is the local office there , does that state need people in the filed you applied to , etc etc

      1) How was your interview?
      2) Was the interviewer satisfied with your study plan and post study plan?
      3) They give the intention reason when you have doubts for returning back to country

      If know some people who have had govt. scholarships and still got their visa rejected.
      The appeal time is not fixed and takes alot of time. I think you need to wait for it , or send them a singed letter. And try to send them email by YOURSELF singed. may be they dont give information to third parties.

      Just get extension for the admission and wait. Until they contact you back.


      • Muhammad Ilyas

        Dear Admin, Hopefully you are fine.
        Thanks, your precious reply is really a great favour indeed.
        1) Sir, My interview was so bad as I was expecting that visa officer would totally ask questions about university, study course and study plan but the visa officer started interview with questions like, Tell me Kleve city population, location and people (Kleve city where I am going to study in Germany). These questions were totally right but I could not satisfy them & confused. This confusion totally affected my interview & I could not satisfy him.
        2) Sir, You would be shocked to hear that during interview I could not tell him that my proposed supervisor at Rhinewaal university, Kleve Germany also appreciated my study plan. I even did not attach supervisor’s email reply with my application documents & his appreciation towards my study plan. Later on, I attached that email reply with appeal documents.
        Now sir, my previous semester admission letter is expired. I have applied again for next semester admission and hopefully within one to two weeks I would get.
        Sir, Is it possible that after getting fresh admission I may appear for fresh interview as appeal period takes a lot of time, my fourth month is going to start.
        Regards with thanks,

  • Muhammad Ilyas

    Dear Admin, Hopefully you are fine.
    Thanks, your precious reply is really a great favour indeed.
    1) Sir, My interview was so bad as I was expecting that visa officer would totally ask questions about university, study course and study plan but the visa officer started interview with questions like, Tell me Kleve city population, location and people (Kleve city where I am going to study in Germany). These questions were totally right but I could not satisfy them & confused. This confusion totally affected my interview & I could not satisfy him.
    2) Sir, You would be shocked to hear that during interview I could not tell him that my proposed supervisor at Rhinewaal university, Kleve Germany also appreciated my study plan. I even did not attach supervisor’s email reply with my application documents & his appreciation towards my study plan. Later on, I attached that email reply with appeal documents.
    Now sir, my previous semester admission letter is expired. I have applied again for next semester admission and hopefully within one to two weeks I would get.
    Sir, Is it possible that after getting fresh admission I may appear for fresh interview as appeal period takes a lot of time, my fourth month is going to start.
    Regards with thanks,

    • Hi ,
      That is a bit strange to me that they started asking questions about the population and such. You should always appear in such interviews with confidence and have satisfactory answers. Also people are so confused. but this is not a job interview so one must be relaxed while answering the questions.

      I think you should wait for them to have a decision of the appeal first. See what they have to say to the appeal , if not succesfull , then you can go froward with a fresh application.



    Dear Admin

    This is to inform you that i got refusal from German embassy, Karachi. I applied for student visa IUBH University, Bad Honnef, Bonn. I full filled all the requirements requested by the university, I also paid the university fees and bank deposit.

    Further, My Interview was good, which was held in Karachi Embassy. But on dated 15-Feb-2014 i got refusal letter. Now i wanted to raise the appeal. Kindly help me out in this regard and share the procedure.

    Kamran Munir

  • Sid

    Dear Admin,

    Appreciate your initiative in resolving so many queries. I have a similar issue. My visa application processing is pending since more than 11 weeks which is very unusual in India, Upon contacting the alien’s office in Germany, They responded saying that it is still in the editing 4 weeks ago and did not disclose any information about how long the procedure would go on, However I got an extension from the University, But now it is going to be very close (extension period is less than 8 days from now), Should i give up on expecting visa in such case?
    Any idea upon whom to contact and whom to follow up with. Please help!

  • farhan

    sir my intention is to apply in uni of applied science( osnabruck) in master program , that’s admission starts from 1st feb 2015. i have zero knowledge of procedure of visa..especially the bank accounts complications.

    My friend told me that i need to open a bank account in Germany bank before applying with 8000 that true ? if yes what is the procedure . do i even need to open a account before applying in university. or pakistani bank account statement is enough ?

    secondly the university site states that if i could present English proficiency certificate i don’t need to do ielts ?

    and in last in Germany can i easily find part time job to cover up my expense ?


    • Hi ,

      You do not need the bank account information for admission. You would need to deposit a 8000 Euro in German bank and block it for a persiod of 1 year before you apply for visa.

      The university may waive your english language requirements but you will still need IELTS 6 for visa.

      For further information please Check the german embassy islamabad , website.

      For jobs , you would need to speak good german and it depends where you live etc!.


  • Nino

    Dear Mr/Mrs

    I am Nino Kiknadze, a student at the AID Berlin (Akademie für Illustration und Design Berlin).
    I applied for the Schengen Study visa on September 16th. However, I have not received an answer back.
    I would like to ask you if there is any chance to accelerate the process. I understand that it depends on the German side to issue a Visa. However my course at the Academy already has been started (The opening day – 27th September) and unfortunately due to my visa condition I am late to start the study at the scheduled time.

    Please make my situation into consideration and give me an information, what can i do in this situation.
    Best regards,
    Nino Kiknadze

    • Hi Nino,
      There is hardly anything you can do but please read below some of the things you can do about it

      1) Contact the auslanderbehorde (foriegner office ) of the town your school is in
      2) Ask your course co-ordinator to give you an extension letter and perhaps request them to ask about your visa status

      Also Which country are you from?


  • Abdullah Ahmad

    Dear Admin,

    Hope you’re doing good.

    As usual.. I am a candidate for admission in a German university.

    Actually, I am doing intermediate from Isb, PK, and i just came to know my degree is not equal to “German Abitur” and If fortunately i get the admission, I’ll have to do “studienkolleg” before I formally start my undergraduate studies.

    I do ‘ve a lot of time with me and I can plan for my studies and I can prepare my self for many things regarding admission and visa.

    I am actually thinking to apply for Law and Economics.

    Firstly tell me the institute which i should be going for & secondly, whats steps should i be taking to make my case super strong.

    Kind Regards.

  • MD Foysal Khan Akash

    Is there still a fixed number of students visa to go Germany from Bangladesh…or now, it is free of number…? or, is the embassy giving visa without a limit? please let me know

    • Hey ,

      There is no fixed number. As a rule of EU , whoever fullfills the visa criteria SHOULD be issued visa , but it doesnt always happen. In recent times , sometimes who have everything in order are also sometimes turned down so.. it really depends.

      PS: there is no official number for number of visa’s granted!

  • SWA

    I am from Karachi and have completed my BBA and MBA in 2011. I have 3 years of work experience. I am currently working and have got admission in Business Consulting Masters program in Furtwangen University. I will be appearing for visa interview in December at Karachi Consulate. Can you tell me whether it will create an issue if I am going for another master’s in germany. As this program is quite related to my job and is of interest therefore I chose this program. Plus my mba was of 1 year instead of 2 years therefore I could not apply for PHD programme. Can you please let me know what should I do as I heard it can create a problem if I go for another master’s. Though I can justify the same in the interview. Admin please help me. Thanks in advance.

    • Hi SWA,

      In principle you must goto the university for which you have got the visa . but when people come here , they jsut goto the university they wish to join and for now there have not been any problems , unless the embassy specifically puts a condition on your visa that you must study this program..

      But well , if you tlel them it in interview , they would ask you to get the course you want to join .. not change the uni like that


      • SWA

        Dear Admin,

        Thank You for your prompt response. However, I have heard that the consulate / embassy shows some reservations on going for another master’s to germany i.e. I have already done one master’s in pakistan i.e. mba and i am going for another master’s i.e. Business Consulting Master’s to germany. I have heard in one case that they returned one applicant who was going for additional master’s program to Germany. Can you tell me if you heard of such a case. If I appear for the interview I can easily explain them my reason.

        • Hi SWA .

          Well , it is logical for them to say that why dont you go for PhD rather than doing another master? .. But well you can try to convince them , one person i know had done already a masters and came here for another masters , THe embassy told him the same stuff that you should do PhD bla bla.. he said that the course isnt offered in pakistan and he needs to do it for his career and they gave him visa , so at the end it is you vs them how you convince them..

          You must know that also many people get rejected even for their first masters so.. there isnt very hard rule for that.. Try your luck , try to convince them!!


  • Sam

    Hi Admin,

    I am 36yrs and want to pursue an MBA in germany I already have an MBA and have been working in Dubai but would like to enhance my skills plz let me know the chances of visa rejection,is it worth applying.I am also ready to take up Phd programs if required .Which would be advisable.

    • Hello Sam ,

      I dont think it’s worth it, they would simply ask you to apply for a PhD. The chances of getting a visa are pretty thin..
      Take a Phd Programe and apply , you will have better chances.


  • asma

    i have applied for student viza of garmany on 18 march.i have done bscs and got admission in automotive software engineering.a month has passed but stil i havn’t got any reply.and i am female.what are my chances

  • leony

    pls i have applied for studies in Germany for October.. the deutsche bank has confirmed the receipt of a blocked account deposit .. my first embassy appearance has been confirm on July 07.15 .. but trying to book for a second appointment and the link is saying that there are no appointments till 12.12.15..I’m very worried cause my schools are starting in October and it usually takes 4-8 weeks for visa processing… pls i need your advice on what can be done..cause i may be late…

    • Hello Leony ,

      why do you want to have two interviews? I think you still have alot of time. Dont worry you will get the time. Even if you dont have the statement , show them the proof that you will submit in few days and i think you would be good to go.


  • michael22

    hello admin,
    please I had my interview on the 1st of April. I funded my account on the 16th and got a confirmation email that it has been funded and my application has been forwarded to the aliens authority for approval. After waiting for up to 4weeks after that email, I contacted the alien office to ask, and they said they haven’t gotten my documents. After finally getting to the federal office, it was said that my application was sent from cologne to Bochum since the 20th. Noe the alien office said its lost and its strange, so they have to ask the embassy to send it again. My late enrolment dates are may 20-22. Also my school has agreed to let me start in winter since I’ve missed lectures so much, but please what is my stand, will I still get the visa as it is clearly not my fault. Also my school said I should get the visa and come but settle down and resume fully in winter

  • Faisal

    Dear Admin, How are you? By searching for German student visa for pakistani students, i fortunately found your page which seemed very informative, so i decided to put my queries before you for the best possible reply which i hope to hear from your good self.
    I am from Karachi, Pakistan. My age is 36, unmarried. I completed my graduation ( 2 years program) in the year 2000. In the year 2011 i completed Masters (MBA-Finance 2 years program). So now my total number of education is 16 years including 4 yeas of University Degree which is equivalent to Bachelors Degree internationally as i understand. Since 2002 i have been working in the field of accounts & admin. I have never attempted an Ielts or any german language test. I am planning to apply for student visa for the session Winter 2016. Please guide me about my reservations.
    1) My age is 36, and will be 37 at the time of application. Can it affect my visa success rate. Also I have a gap between and MBA of almost 10 years, but i have work experience during this period.
    2) which course will be better for me. My main working field is Accountancy and a little bit of Admin. So i want to apply for the program which is related to my field of working and previous study. Can i apply for PhD or i have to apply for any Masters program first.
    3) what IELTS score is needed and what level of German language is required.
    4) Student Visa interview is optional or mandatory. Is there any chance to get visa without an interview?
    5) Do we need to open an account in German Bank or Just local statement is sufficient as a proof for funds. If i not get visa, how the funds are returned? Is there any case of not returning money back to non visa students?
    6) What type of inquiry embassy do during the process of visa submission. If my employer/ neighbour is not happy about me due to some reasons/ envy etc, he/ she can give misinformation to the inquirer. What can we do about this. If i do not show my employment, will it affect the student visa ratio.
    Please help to solve my apprehensions so that i can prepare my self in advance or apply for another country if the visa chances are rare.
    Thanks & regards.

    • Dear Faisal,

      1) If you can defend and satisfy both visa officer and your university , i dont see how age matters.

      2) It’s upto you. look for courses at , for a phd you need 18 years of education , BSc. And MSc. Degree , where BSc. is 16 years and MSc. is total 18 years education but try your luck

      3) If english is going to to be your language of the coruse , atleast 6.5 for the versity and 6 for embassy. German is not required in that case.. If its german , you need atleast B2.

      4) Visa interview is mandatory. no chance without it

      5) Yes you need to open a blocked account in german bank with 8100 euro blocked. You need to send them rejection letter duly signed by german embassy along with the account details where you want the funds back. in WRITING. , its your money and you can have it , no such cases. they cannot take yoru money.

      6)In some cases they do inquire your job e xperience , they just verify that the work is legit ,i am not sure they care what the employer thinks.
      if you dont show it , i dont know how can you defend the gaps?!

      Hope this helps.


  • Muhammad Maqbool Ahmad

    I applied for student visa,got interview on Aug,12 and on Aug,17 received call from Islamabad embassy that an extra amount 8040 Euro may deposit n your account.The required amount has transferred to my block account and intimated to visa section Islamabad through mail/courier but confirmation from Deutsch bank is still awaited. Could I get visa?

  • Shreesha


    Am married and having a baby(2yrs). Currently am pursuing 2nd year in PCMB or Bi.P.C. Am looking forward for my MBBS course in Germany. I wanted to apply student visa and also can i carry my child along with me. So she can stay along with me.

    Please help me out with your positive response.


  • herbert

    Dear Admin, good day.

    I wish to appreciate you for the great information you are providing us. It is very informative and helpful.

    Last week I had an interview for student visa in Germany Consulate in Lagos, Nigeria. And after 5days I got rejection letter stating that there are doubts concerning my trip.

    Please, my admission is next month October 15, What can I do to meet up with my admission. Please, guide me.


    • Dear Herbert ,

      I am sorry to hear about your visa rejection. How did your interview go? Which course did you apply for? What questions did they ask you?

      Thank you for your kind words. I hope your share our webpage with as many people as possible.

      Sincere Regards

  • Akh

    Hello admin,

    I gave my visa interview last week for a student visa.
    The interview went well and I had all the required documents however there is one issue:
    My signature has slightly changed over the years and the signature on the visa form does not completely match the one on my passport. I forgot to mention this to the visa interviewer and also she did not raise an alarm after checking my documents.
    I had called the consulate hotline before my interview and they said it’s not an issue and that I bring some extra photograph ids just in case. My visa interviewer did not ask for any photograph ids expect passport.

    Do you think this is an issue? What can I do now?


  • Victor

    dear Admin,

    I would like to ask that does your precious visa refusal for UK has an affect on your student visa for Germany?

    I have travelled to Europe/schengen area before but not in Germany and the question of the refusal was asked twice from me in the interview at German embassy Islamabad.

    please guide, thanks!

    • Hello Victor ,

      Why was your visa for UK denied? The reason could be important. They would just like to know why they didnt grant you visa. Generally if there is no security issue and all your documents are complete , you would be granted german visa.

      I have had many people whose other countries visa e-g from france / finland was rejected but when they applied for student visa of germany , it was granted.

      Good luck!


  • Talga

    Hey admin..
    I had a visa interview on 2 auguat 2015 . Than after fix one month later i had a call from german embassy karachi pakistan that your visa is accepted ad kindly bring polio vaccination ad tickets. When i went to embassy they check all my documents and than saw my tickets ad all stuff. Than they said wait for a while and she went inside room ad when she came back she said that “OUR system is not showing your data ” i was shocked that they called me for the acception of visa now they are telling me this. I had shown her all call records that you called me.. they said it would be might be a mistake.. iam sorry for that and rhen they said we will call yoy later so wait till that.

    How is that possible admin..??

    I had to cancle my flight ad i am soo worried . Plz guide me

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